Grateful for the positive influence
Written by Christine, parent of a Bendix Student
![preparing the basics](
I’m Christine, parent of a student at Bendix Academy. I would like to share a little of how I feel about our experience with Bendix Academy and what it continues to do for me and my son.
This exceptional Tooling Mentorship program teaches him valuable skills with tools while instilling essential life traits like respect, compassion, and empathy. The program’s holistic approach gives my son a sense of purpose and direction, and I’m grateful for the positive influence it has on his life.
I’m thrilled to share the profound impact Bendix Academy has on my son’s life.
What impresses me most is the mentorship aspect of the program. My son is paired with an experienced mentor who teaches him technical skills and serves as a positive role model. This is especially significant for my son, as his own grandfather lives far away.
![engine overview](
Having a caring and experienced mentor fill this void makes a world of difference.
I’m also struck by the sense of purpose and significance that Bendix Academy brings to its mentors. These dedicated individuals, often with years of experience, find new meaning in sharing their knowledge and skills with the next generation. It’s a beautiful reciprocity, where both the teens and their mentors benefit from the experience.
![Rodney Rowan engine](
Through Bendix Academy, my son learns to apply his new skills to real-world problems, helping those in need. He sees how his abilities make a tangible difference in his community, which fosters a sense of social responsibility and compassion.
The program’s emphasis on service and kindness helps shape my son into a thoughtful and considerate young person.
I’ve witnessed my son’s confidence grow as he tackles projects and overcomes challenges. He’s developing a sense of pride in his work and a willingness to lend a helping hand. Bendix Academy is equipping my son with practical skills, providing a supportive community, and offering a positive influence in his life.
This remarkable program empowers teenagers with life skills, character development, and a sense of purpose. It plays a significant role in my son’s development into the best version of himself.
![Pride of accomplishment](
Bendix Academy thanks you, Christine, for sharing your experience with us!
Please contact us at [email protected] for any questions,
or click below to submit an application to become a student!
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